omgsh, aren't these hilarious??? go to or something like that. :D
perfectly wonderful amazing comments!:
hmm... hokey pokey? this reminds me of when i was about your age, and i thought it was absolutely silly that we had to do the pledge of allegiance in school every morning. i suggested that we do the hokey pokey instead, since it made as much sense. after being sent to the principal's office, it was worked out that i would get to lead the class in the hokey pokey after the pledge 2 times a week. ah... 7th grade.
3 perfectly wonderful amazing comments!:
hmm... hokey pokey? this reminds me of when i was about your age, and i thought it was absolutely silly that we had to do the pledge of allegiance in school every morning. i suggested that we do the hokey pokey instead, since it made as much sense. after being sent to the principal's office, it was worked out that i would get to lead the class in the hokey pokey after the pledge 2 times a week. ah... 7th grade.
Mrs. Fritch has the shirt in the very middle
oh yeah, i saw her wear that!
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