Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I KNOW IT'S KINDA LONG BUT PLEASE READ: (real title) What to do?

so i don't know what to do, cuz i'm still in utah and everyone is still gone and i won't be having my tea party until tonight and:

- i could watch help! and a hard day's night again, but i'm kinda tired of just staring at the computer + i want to watch them w/ someone who hasn't seen them

- i've caught up on phineas and ferb

- i could work on the script for kick it! but it's not as fun all by myself

- i could practice my euph part for marching band on a pencil but . . .

- i could take a shower and do my hair and makeup and stuff, but then i would feel like i'm only doing it so i could have something to do and i don't like feeling like that

- i could read, and maybe i will, but not for long cuz i feel restless

- there's a lot more i could say, but i know that nobody reads the long posts so that's it i guess . . .


2 perfectly wonderful amazing comments!:

Dione said...

Noel's pretty bored too! You should hang with her and McKenna! They don't have a car but if you can locate one they can take you to the mall, swimming, movies, whatever! Call them! Noel 801-931-7711 McKenna 801-708-3944

author in progress said...

we picked them up last night and this morning me and mckenna played speed for like ever! see you later today hopefully!